Please click the links below for more information. Dates may change due to circumstances.
HIV/AIDS testing | Hepatitis testing (Reservation required) | Every Monday 09:30-11:00 |
HIV/AIDS counseling hotline | From Monday to Friday 08:30-17:15 |
Psychiatry Clinic (Reservation required) |
The 1st Tuesday of every month 14:30-16:30 The 3rd Friday of every month 14:00-16:00 |
Hikikomori (shut-in) consultation (Reservation required) | The 3rd Tuesday of every month 10:00-12:00 |
Children's development consultation (Reservation required) | About consultation date, please ask the public health center health promotion division . |
Every Wednesday 09:00-11:00 (Food Hygiene Association) |
Medical institutions list|Treatment (Ahaki) plant list (PDF:146 KB)| Health promotion support shop list|Information on infectious disease outbreak in Tsuchiura area (PDF:615 KB)(Posted on 2/16/2017)
Specified diseases medical expenses subsidy system | Hepatitis treatment subsidy | Specific Child Chronic Diseases (link to external site)| Specific infertility treatment subsidy project in Ibaraki prefecture Government(link to external site)
Food shops and restaurants licences | Food hygiene managers | Stalls and bazaars | Hospitals and clinics | Treatment plant (ahaki) establishment registration, etc. | Regulatory | Drug | No-smoking authentication system | Meals Providing for school Children and workers | Environmental health | Buildings(over3000㎡)
Qualification & license application | Qualifying examination guide
Medical expenses subsidy | License & qualification | Applications & notifications | Infectious disease outbreaks | TB (tuberculosis) | Ibaraki Prefecture, application and notification form download service
Medical institutions (notice from the Ministry of health, labour and welfare)| Ibaraki emergency medical information system (link to external site)| Ibaraki medical institution information NET (link to external site)| Pharmacies information (general public)| Pharmacy information (for pharmacy) | Emergency day
Three rules of food poisoning prevention | Liver & flesh meat for eating raw | Anisakis (link to external site)| Vibrio parahaemolyticus | Campylobacter jejuni| Poisonous plants and mushrooms | Puffer
Tuberculosis | Influenza | Measles and rubella | Norovirus | Overseas infections | Information on infectious diseases outbreak in Ibaraki Prefecture | Heatstroke
Asbestos | Dementia | Suicide prevention | Depression | Eyelash extensions | Week of medicine and health | Correct usage of electric massage apparatus (link to external site)
Ibaraki Health Welfare Department disaster preparedness manual (PDF:3, 093 KB)| 6th Ibaraki prefecture health care plan (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare page) |Ibaraki prefecture Tsuchiura public health center, operation overview fiscal 2017 (PDF:3, 462 KB)(8/2016 8, s) | Mass cooking facilities health management manual (link to external site)
Our frequently asked questions | Links | Family associations for illness
Location2-7-46, Shimotakatsu, Tsuchiura-shi, Ibaraki Post number 300-0812, Japan |
Telephone, faxTelephone: 029-821-5342 |
Office hours08:30-17:15 (lunch break from the noon until 13:00) Weekends and holidays, year-end/new year holiday(12/29-1/3) is closed.
tsuchiho@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp Send E-mail with your phone number and name when contact us. |
Guide |
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