ホーム > しごと・産業 > 雇用・労働 > しごと情報いばらき > 雇用促進対策室(UIJターン、プロ人材、外国人材、障害者雇用) > 外国人材の活躍促進について > Happiness Index for Foreign Nationals
Ibaraki Prefecture is striving to become a region chosen by foreign nationals by promoting a wide range of initiatives, from securing and developing human resources to improving living and educational environments.
In order to visualize the strengths and weaknesses of our prefecture through objective indicators as well as enhance and strengthen policies, Ibaraki has created the first-ever happiness index for foreign nationals in Japan.
Based on the input of foreign residents and others, and utilizing government statistics and other data that can be compared with other municipalities in Japan and objectively evaluated, a total of 14 indicators were established and calculated. As a result, Ibaraki Prefecture ranked 4th overall.
For more details, please click here(PDF:607KB).
Department of Industrial Strategy
Labor Affairs Division
Employment Opportunity Promotion Section
Tel: 029-301-3645 E-mail: rousei2@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp