〇 Location
4-27 , Matsushiro , Tsukuba-shi , Ibaraki 305-0035 Japan
〇 Office hours
From Mondays to Fridays ( 08:30 - 12:00 , 13:00 - 17:15 )
Closed : Saturdays , Sundays , holidays , Year-end and New Year holidays (from 12/29 to 1/3)
〇 Contact
029-851-9287 ( Representative number ) Fax number : 029-851-5680
029-851-9289 / tsuho@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp ( General affairs division )
029-851-9290 / tsuho01@pref.ibarak.lg.jp ( Community health promotion division )
029-851-9295 / tsuho02@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp ( Hygiene division )
029-860-6001 / tsuho04@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp ( Monitoring and instruction division )
029-851-9291 / tsuho03@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp ( Health promotion division )
029-860-6002 / tsuho05@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp ( Helth guidance division )
Fill in the phone number and name when inquiring by e-mail. Please note that it takes several times to reply depending on contents of inquiry.
〇 Introduction of each division
Division name |
Main business contents |
Contact |
General affairs division |
・General affairs ・Accounting |
029-851-9289 |
Community health promotion division |
・Procedures of medical affairs ( hospitals , clinics , midwiferies , and practitioners ) ・Medical consultation ・License of medical workers ( doctors , dentists , nurses , public health nurses and so on ) ・On-site inspection based on medical law |
029-851-9290 |
Hygiene division |
・Food hygiene ・Pharmaceutical affairs ・Hygiene about public bathes , beauty salons , ryokans and so on ・License of cooks , confectionery hygienists , and pharmacists ・Prevention of drug abuse |
029-851-9295 |
Monitoring and instruction division |
・Instruction for food sales facilities ・Instruction for public bathes , beauty salons , ryokans and so on ・Instruction for drug stores , medical devices and pharmaceutical sales business , and so on |
029-860-6001 |
Health promotion division |
・Procedures of medical expenses subsidy ( intractable diseases , specific pediatric chronic diseases , hepatitis B and C , and fertility treatment ) ・License of nutritionists and registered dietitians ・Nutrition improvement |
029-851-9291 |
Health guidance division |
・Mental health welfare ・Prevention of infectious diseases ・Tuberculosis ・HIV・AIDS and Hepatitis testing |
Please check the contents and click the links below for more information.
Basically , these are free of charge. ( In case of those who want a form of test results , please prepare for 1,400 yen. )
Kinds of consultation and testing |
Reservation |
Date Closed : Saturdays , Sundays , holidays and 12/29-1/3 |
Links |
HIV , AIDS , and Hepatitis ( B and C ) testing |
Reservation required (029-860-6002) |
(Daytime) Every Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 |
Psychiatry Clinic Consultation of the mind |
Reservation required (029-860-6002) |
Twice a month Please ask details to health guidance division. |
Social Withdraw consultation |
Reservation required (029-860-6002) |
Twice a month Please ask details to health guidance division. |
Enteric bacteria tests Water testing |
(Debicated container required) (029-851-9320) |
(Enteric bacteria tests) Every Monday 9 : 00 - 11 : 00 (Water testing) Every Tuesday 9 : 00 - 11 : 00 At Food Hygiene Association |
About enteric bacteria tests and water testing ( link to external site )(外部サイトへリンク) |
Complaints and consultation of dogs and cats are in charge of animal training center
in Kasama city. ( contact : 0296-72-1200)