ホーム > 茨城で暮らす > 生活 > いばらき消費生活なび > 外国人の皆様へご案内(がいこくじんのみなさまへごあんない) > 外国人の皆様へご案内(To all foreign nationals)
Are you experiencing consumer problems?
Consumer problems may include issues like:
“I ended up signing a contract without the intention of signing it in the first place.”
“I signed a contract even though I don’t understand Japanese very well.”
“The contract is different from what I was informed.”
If you have any problem, please contact the Consumer Affairs Center. The Consumer Affairs Center is on your side.
Consultation phone number : 029-225-6445
You will be connected to the Ibaraki Prefecture Consumer Affairs Center.
(The center is closed on Saturdays, holidays, and New Year’s Holiday. Only phone consultations are accepted on Sundays.)
Consultation Method
※Consultations at the Ibaraki International Association are only available on weekdays.
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